Fiona Mofflin
“Yesterday I had the opportunity to learn from Susan Marshall how to perform the Canine Recreational Raindrop Technique on Mr Elmo. Susan is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the Young Living essential oils. She also has the biggest heart ever, as she helps so many rescue dogs and loves to help animals, just like I do.
In the course, Susan shared with us how to use the oils safely, what are the benefits of Raindrop Technique on a dog, how Raindrop Technique came about, and then she slowly walked us through step by step how to apply each of the oils and how to perform the massage steps.
Susan’s love and passion for helping animals is so heart-warming. She made us all feel so relaxed, knowing there is no wrong way of doing the technique.
I loved seeing all the dogs just chill out and some even falling asleep whilst the Raindrop Technique was being given. One dog was out for the count right to the end, oh bless.
It was interesting to see the dogs react to various oils. Mr. Elmo was very curious about Basil oil. He wanted to lick it off my hand! Then other oils he would just lay down and almost go to sleep.
At the end of the session, Elmo went off into his bean bag, had a dig and then came back and lay down next to me and started to snore.
It was truly the best course I have done for a long time. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who has a dog. Thank you Susan for taking us through this amazing experience with our beloved dogs.”
Kylie Bryant
"Another awesome day with Susan Marshall teaching us all things horses and oils. Seeing the transformations of these beautiful rescue horses after an Equine Raindrop Technique has been incredible. Thank you Becky for allowing us to work with you and your horses over the last two day and thank you to all that came and learnt".